Bengaluru Police have registered an FIR against Nikita Singhania, the estranged wife, and her in-laws on charges of abetment of suicide over the death of Atul Subhash, who took the extreme step allegedly due to their harassment. Subhash, originally from Uttar Pradesh, was found dead in his Bengaluru home on Monday.
The 34-year-old, who was working as a deputy general manager at an automobile company, had blamed his wife, her family members, and even a judge for his death.
In a 24-page-long suicide note, the deceased said he was forced to take his own life due to constant harassment and extortion by his estranged wife and her family.
He also left behind a 90-minute video detailing allegations of harassment and extortion by his wife and accused a family court judge in Uttar Pradesh of demanding ?5 lakh to settle cases against him.
In his suicide note, Subhash said his wife, who is working at Accenture and was already receiving ?40,000 every month as maintenance, demanded ?2-4 lakh more from him.
According to Subhash's family, multiple false cases were filed against him by his estranged wife, who then demanded ?3 crore from him to withdraw them.
Subhash also alleged that his wife, who had custody of their estranged son, was using the maintenance amount he paid to turn the boy against his father.
The note included a heartfelt message for his estranged four-year-old son, whom he claimed was kept away from him. Subhash called for his parents to be granted custody of the child.
These included accusations of murder, sexual misconduct, harassment for money, domestic violence, and dowry demands.
Subhash's father said his son had to travel to Jaunpur from Bengaluru at least 40 times due to the multiple cases the wife had filed against him.
※She (Subhash's wife) used to frame one charge after another. He must have been frustrated but never let us feel that. Suddenly, we received the information about the incident. He sent a mail to our younger son around 1 am,§ he said.
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