Around 3.11 crore out of the 3.3 crore applicants have made it to the final list of the Assam's National Register of Citizens (NRC). According to the list published on Saturday, some 19 lakh people have been left out from the list, which means that they are no longer Indians. One of the prominent names who was excluded from the list was Dr Jitendra Nath Goswami, a renowned scientist from Assam and an adviser of Chandrayaan 2 Mission along with his family, a report in the Northeast Now stated.When we are hoping to reach the moon through Chandrayaan 2, our scientists are not even considered Indians by the state NRC.
"We have been living in Ahmedabad for last 20 years. Perhaps we failed to do whatever was required for inclusion of our names in the NRC. But our family is there in Assam, we have lands in Jorhat. If there is some problem in future, we'll have to do something by showing the land documents," Dr Goswami the chandrayaan 2 advisor was quoted to as saying to Northeast Now.
The number of those left out in the final NRC list on August 31, however, came down to less than half from the 41 lakh who were excluded from the draft list. Even now those who have been left out have the option to file an appeal.
"Those not satisfied with the outcome can file an appeal before Foreigners Tribunals," Prateek Hajela, State Coordinator, NRC said.
According to new guidelines issued by the Centre, an individual who has been excluded from the final National Register of Citizens (NRC) can approach one of the 300 foreigners tribunals set up in Assam within 120 days beginning August 31.
Other than the fact that those who have been left out have become stateless there is no clarity on what is next for them. As of now the only clear plan of action is to lock them in detention centers. The possibility of them being deported has been ruled out as Bangladesh has already made it clear that it won't accept any deportees.?This can make a big difference for the state people as well as for the chandrayaan 2 team.?