In a tragic incident, a 22-year-old nurse has committed suicide after she tested positive for COVID-19.Bismi Scaria, who worked as a nurse in Gurugram's Medanta Hospital attempted suicide by hanging on Thursday, hours after she was told that she had tested positive for COVID-19.?
Bismi was rushed to the hospital's ICU but died on Monday night.Bismi, a native of Punalur in Kerala had joined Medanta Medicity after completing nursing just three months ago.?
She was staying at an accommodation near the hospital and had undergone the COVID-19 test after she developed symptoms like cough and fever.Bismi was working in the Emergency Department of the hospital and is believed to have contracted the virus from a patient who was admitted there.?
On Thursday, after she was informed by the hospital that her results are positive, Bismi went back to her room and in the afternoon when her friends who could not reach her went to check on her and found her hanging from the ceiling.?
According to a staff of the hospital who did not want to be named, Bismi was upset and tensed after her she developed COVID-19 symptoms. The staff also said that it was the first time that Bismi had been staying away from her family and that could have added to her worries.?
Bismi is the second nurse from Kerala working in Delhi NCR to die after contracting COVID-19.Ambika PK, a native of Kerala, was working at Kalra Hospital in Kirti Nagar died at the Safdarjung Hospital on May 24 after being infected.?
Following Ambika's death, her colleagues had alleged that there was a shortage of PPE kits for them and nurses were asked to reuse them, while doctors were given fresh ones.