On Thursday, the Delhi Police arrested a man who identified himself as Rambhakt Gopal, moments after he opened fire at a protest march outside Delhi's Jamia Millia Islamia University, injuring one student. According to the police he is 19 years old.?
While not much is known about the whereabouts of the shooter, a glance at his Facebook profile sheds some light on his actions.On Facebook too, he is identified as Rambhakt Gopal and nothing beyond that.?
The profile seems to be created in 2014 but it has hardly any activity. But he became active on Facebook earlier this month and had been regularly posting stuff, mostly one liners.
And just a few days ago, he put out a post suggesting that he is going to do something and asked everyone to make his posts see first.He had also put out another post saying that this revenge is for Chandan.?
On Thursday, Gopal seemed to have arrived at Jamia well in advance and had put out several posts from there.In another post, he asked people to take care of his family.?
One of them suggested that he was ready to die.?
He had also posted several live videos from Jamia. Gopal had also put out a post asking people not to call him, most likely after seeing his videos from Jamia.His last post was about Shaheen Bagh and he wrote Over 'Shaheen Bagh Game Over'.?
This was followed by a couple of live videos where Gopal is seen strolling around before he took out the gun and opened fire.? ?
Also there is a second Facebook profile of him by the name Ram Bhakt Gopal which has been inactive since 2018. It has several photos of him brandishing weapons including guns, which are actually terrible photoshop jobs.?
In the second profile, he is originally from Mathura and currently lives in Noida. In the second profile he had identified himself as a BJP/ Bajrang Dal/ RSS member. But in the profile which was active he had posted that he is not associated with any outfits.?