We all know how difficult it is to deal with a breakup. The sadness, the memories, everything hurts. However, a man's breakup became his inspiration. Why? Because he lost 70 kgs after his girlfriend dumped him for being 'too fat'.
There are many reasons to hit the gym - to get fit, but TikTok user named Puvi's motivation to pump the iron was his breakup.
Tiktok star Puvi was dumped by his girlfriend and the reason was his weight. At that time Puvi weight about 139 kg. As he was overweight and always wore a jacket, his girlfriend ditched him. According to Daily Star, after the breakup, Puvi decided to work on himself, change his lifestyle and hit the gym.
Despite most of us fear rejection, there are actually ways you can use it to your own advantage. Like Puvi being rejected by his girlfriend and using that awful feeling to change your his for the better.
Post-breakup Puvi's jaw-dropping body transformation has left everyone inspired and now surely his ex-girlfriend might be repenting her decision now.?
While it sucks that his relationship was a failure due to his stubbornly unhealthy lifestyle, now His huge boy transformation and inspiring journey have made him a star online. He dropped from a size XXL to a small.
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