VV Vaageesan, an engineering student from Chennai, has filed a legal complaint against the producers of Amaran after receiving a flood of persistent calls from fans of Sai Pallavi. Here's the full story behind the controversy.
It all began when VV Vaageesan's phone number was mistakenly featured in the film, leading to an overwhelming number of calls from Sai Pallavi's fans.?
The student, who is seeking a hefty compensation of Rs 1.1 crore, claims that his personal number was shown in a romantic scene where Sai Pallavi's character tosses a crumpled note with her mobile number to Sivakarthikeyan's character.?
Vaageesan argues that the number used in the scene is actually his, and it is linked to important personal accounts such as his Aadhar card and bank statements, making it nearly impossible for him to change.
Following the film's release on October 31, the student was bombarded with relentless calls while celebrating Diwali with his family, all asking to speak to Sai.?
Initially unaware of the cause, he soon realised the connection when the volume of calls surged, and upon investigation, discovered that his number was the one used in the film.?
In his attempts to resolve the issue, Vaageesan initially reached out via social media, tagging the film's director Rajkumar Periyasamy and lead actor Sivakarthikeyan, but his requests went unacknowledged.?
Frustrated and disturbed by the constant interruptions to his daily life, Vaageesan is now suing for mental anguish and demanding that his number be removed from the film.
The Hindu reported that the ongoing disturbances have severely affected the student's ability to sleep, study, and even perform simple tasks, prompting his decision to seek compensation and a swift resolution.
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