A woman in Bengaluru was frightened when she received a push message from Zepto describing her as "cutie". The strange promotional message from the quick-commerce company that promises to provide household necessities in 10 minutes was for a brand of banana chips. The Zepto alert on Mahak Verma's phone one evening contained the slug "cutie_mahak".
"You got a follow request from Namaskaram Banana Chips Original Style Salted," the rest of the message read.
The Zepto consumer stated that it was unacceptable for a well-known brand to refer to a stranger as "cutie".? ??
"Yesterday I received a push notification from Zepto which very conveniently addressed me as "Cutie_mahak"! and suddenly it brought along all the terrible instances that all teenage girls in India go through," Verma wrote in a LinkedIn post.??
"Fast forward many years, we are in an era of startups and POSH acts and all talks about women's safety yet a well-known brand finds it appropriate to call a random stranger ¡®Cutie¡¯ with no context at all?"
Verma reiterated that it is unacceptable for a business to refer to someone as "random adverbs" and that women's safety begins at home.?
The woman claimed that when she posted a poll on Instagram about the message she received from Zepto, several of her friends thought she was exaggerating the situation.
What do you think about this? Tell us in the comments.
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