Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan was given a clean chit by the NCB yesterday after no evidence was found against him in the on-going cruise drugs case. The star-kid was arrested in October last year and was released on bail after 26 days. Now, NCB's SIT (Special Investigation Team) has said in a statement that Aryan might have been 'falsely implicated'.?
In a statement to the press, the NCB said, "Based on an input from NCB Mumbai on October 2, 2021, intercepted Vikrant, Ishmeet, Arbaaz, Aryan and Gomit at International Port Terminal, and Nupur, Mohak and Munmun at the Cordelia cruise. All the accused persons were found in possession of narcotics except Aryan and Mohak.
"Initially, the case was investigated by NCB Mumbai. Later an SIT from NCB (New Delhi), headed by Sanjay Kumar Singh, DDG (Ops), was constituted to investigate the case, which was taken over by the SIT on 6 November 2021. SIT carried out its investigation in an objective manner. The touchstone of the principle of proof beyond reasonable doubt has been applied.
"Based on the investigation carried out by SIT, a complaint against 14 persons under various sections of the NDPS Act is being filed. Complaint against rest six persons is not being filed due to lack of sufficient evidence."
After Aryan got a clean chit, SRK's lawyer, while speaking to NDTV, said, "I'm relieved, and so must my clients be, including Shah Rukh Khan. The truth has prevailed. Ultimately, there was no material to charge this young man (Aryan Khan) or arrest him. He was not found with any drugs and I had clearly indicated to the court that the arrest was completely meaningless."?
The case was earlier being investigated by Sameer Wankhede. An NCB SIT (Special Investigation Team) had then taken over the case from him and continued with the investigation.?In March this year,?the?SIT pointed out?that they found several irregularities in the raid during their investigation. They confirmed that Aryan did not have any drugs, due to which he did not have to surrender his phone.?
Last month,?the NCB had?suspended two officers?for negligence.?One of the officers was also a part of investigating the drugs case involving Aryan Khan.?
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