Shah Rukh Khan's son, Aryan Khan, has been given a clean chit by the NCB in the cruise drugs case. The star-kid had been arrested in the case last year and got out on bail after 26 days. Now that Aryan has been given a clean chit, Shah Rukh Khan's lawyer told a news portal that they are 'relieved and the truth has prevailed'.
Aryan's name has been cleared as no evidence was found against him.?
An ANI report suggested that the government has asked?Competent Authority to take an action against ex-NCB official Sameer Wankhede for his 'shoddy investigation' in the case.?
The tweet by ANI's official handle reads, "It's learnt that Govt has asked Competent Authority to take appropriate action against ex-NCB official Sameer Wankhede for his shoddy investigation into Aryan Khan drugs haul case. Govt has already taken action in the case of Sameer Wankhede's fake caste certificate case."
The case was earlier being investigated by Sameer Wankhede. An NCB SIT (Special Investigation Team) had then taken over the case from him and continued with the investigation.?Sanjay Kumar Singh, Deputy Director General (Operations), NCB, said in a statement, "SIT carried out its investigation in an objective manner. The touchstone of the principle of proof beyond reasonable doubt has been applied. Based on the investigation carried out by SIT, a complaint against 14 persons under various sections of the NDPS Act is being filed. Complaints against the remaining six persons are not being filed due to a lack of evidence."?
In March this year, the?SIT pointed out that they found several irregularities in the raid during their investigation. They confirmed that Aryan did not have any drugs, due to which he did not have to surrender his phone.?
Aryan Khan's bail application had earlier said,?"There is nothing on record to suggest that the present applicant is in any way connected with the production, manufacture, position, sale, purchase, transport, import, export or use of any psychotropic substance or the financing, illicit trafficking and/or harbouring of offenders in relation to any narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances and hence the ingredients of any offence under the NDPS act, 1985 are not prima facie made out in respect of the present applicant."
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