A popular outlet in Gurgaon is facing the heat for charging Rs 70 for a water bottle which is worth Rs 20. Earlier this year, a restaurant in Hyderabad had to pay a fine Rs 20,000 for overcharging mineral water bottles and this case adds to the public outcry over heavily charged water bottles at restaurants.
Ravinder Kumar decided?to reunite with some of his college friends at Sodabottleopenerwala, a popular restaurant at Cyber Hub in Gurgaon. After dining at the restaurant, they were handed the bill only to be shocked to see the?price that was charged for a water bottle. The restaurant had charged Rs 70 for the bottle, a whopping Rs 50 over the maximum retail price.
However, when he approached the staff at the counter and the duty manager over the insane amount charged for the water bottle, they refused the accept the same.
In a Facebook post, Kumar mentioned that he drew their attention to the court rulings against overcharging of water bottles. However, this was the version of the restaurant:
¡°Such rules are not applicable in Cyber Hub and the restaurant. All the restaurants charge as per their choice and all the customers are liable to pay the amount charged.¡±
Apparently, they even went on to say ¡°Do whatever you want to do.¡±
This is Ravinder Kumar¡¯s Facebook post:
The post went viral on social media, with people echoing the issue of ?heating by the restaurant. Many even asked Kumar to sue the restaurant and wait for the rewards to come by. A Facebook user mentioned that Rs 150 were charged at Hyatt for a water bottle.
A Facebook user asked Kumar if he eventually paid Rs 50 extra for the bottle, to which he replied that he had to, as there was no other option. He also mentioned that the restaurant can always say that they gave him a discount and deny the issue later.
On March 6, minister of consumer affairs, food and public distribution took to Twitter to declare that mineral water bottles will not be overpriced in hotels, airports and malls.
BS Rawat, Manager at Sodabottleopenerwala reacted to the controversy saying that they were considering the matter very seriously. He added that he was on leave and he was not at the restaurant at the time this incident took place.?
¡°Things will be sorted out by the senior management¡±, he added. He also mentioned that the amount for the water bottle was charged as per the price that was fed into the billing system.
Many people have called out on restaurants for charging hefty prices for mineral water bottles. Reports also say that many restaurants and shops charge a ¡®cooling amount¡¯ on beverages, ultimately resulting in the?high price charged for products like a water bottle.