Stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra has responded to a viral video on social media showing an Ola customer breaking his own electric scooter with a hammer, reportedly after being frustrated due to the lack of service by the EV maker. In the video, the customer can be seen smashing an Ola electric scooter into pieces in front of an Ola service centre.
According to some claims online, the unidentified Ola customer took the extreme step after the Ola service centre gave him a bill of ?90,000 for the repair following one month of follow-ups to get his scooter fixed.
"I am not the CEO as of now, it¡¯s Bhavish Aggarwal," Kamra said while responding to the post on X.
"I can¡¯t confirm that the board is not in touch with me," he added.
Recently, Kamra has emerged as the biggest advocate for Ola EV customers on social media, often reposting videos and photos shared by users about the lack of service at India's largest EV maker's facilities.
It all began in October when Kamra posted a photo of an Ola service centre showing a large number of scooters waiting for service.
Ola CEO Aggarwal responded to Kamra, insinuating that the comedian was getting paid to make negative posts about his company. Going a step further, Aggarwal called Kamra a failed comedian and even offered him a job at the service centre to fix the electric scooters.
This, however, snowballed into a massive crisis for Ola, as thousands of customers flocked to Kamra's posts with complaints. The controversy also resulted in the Central Consumer Protection Authority pulling up Ola.?
Since then, Ola has claimed that 99.1% of the 10,644 complaints filed with the CCPA have been resolved. Recently, Ola also added more than 50 service centres and has hired over 500 service technicians across new and existing service centres to streamline operations and clear all backlogs.
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