Supreme Court has questioned Kerala High Court's verdict of annulling the marriage of Hadiya and Shafeen Jahan under Article 226. The SC observed that father of the girl can't dictate the personal life of his? 24-year-old daughter in reference to the famous love jihad case which has been a point of debate on various platforms for while now.
According to The Hindu, Chief Justice of India Deepal Misra said that father can't insist on his daughter's custody. The defence counsel Dushyant Dave argued that probe by the NIA in the case strikes at the very foundation of multi-religious society.
The next hearing has been scheduled for October 9.
Shafeen Jahan married Akhila Ashokan in December last year after she converted to Islam and rechristened herself as Hadiya. Then her father moved to Kerala High Court and claimed his daughter was brainwashed and indoctrinated. He also claimed that she was converted forcibly.?
He even said that his daughter would be sent to Afghanistan or Syria. The High Court annulled the marriage. But Jahan approached the Supreme Court against the annulment.
Earlier in August, the NIA began in an investigation into the case following the top court's orders.