Indian actor Dhanush shared a statement announcing separation from his filmmaker wife, Aishwaryaa Rajinikanth, after 18 years of togetherness.?
"Eighteen years of togetherness as friends, couple, as parents and well-wishers to each other.?The journey has been of growth, understanding, adjusting, and adapting. Today we stand at a place where our paths separate. Aishwaryaa and I have decided to part ways as a couple and take time to understand us as individuals for the better."?
"Please do Respect our decision and give us the needed privacy to deal with this.?Om Namashivaaya!?
Spread love, D,"?
"No caption needed, only your understanding n your love necessary!"?
Dhanush and Aishwaryaa, daughter of megastar Rajinikanth, tied the knot in 2004 and parents to Yatra and Linga, who were born in 2006 and 2010, respectively.
Dhanush, a producer, was recently seen on the work front in the Aanand L Rai-directed Hindi romantic drama "Atrangi Re."?Dhanush's long career in the Tamil film industry.?
Aishwaryaa has directed films like the Tamil romantic thriller "3" and black comedy "Vai Raja Vai."?
(With inputs from PTI)
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