Despite the fact that Indian railways incurred heavy losses during the pandemic, a ticket checker central railways managed to collect Rs 1 crore in fines in just 11 months.?
Reportedly, Mohammed Shams Chand is the first ticket checker to join the?¡®one-crore club¡¯ after the pandemic.
According to Free Press Journal, Chand caught?13,472 ticketless travellers between April 2021 and February 2022 and collected, in all, Rs 1,06,41,105 in fines. 'Ticketless travellers' are generally those who don't have a valid ticket for the compartment they are sitting in or don't have a ticket at all.?
Mohammad is part of a special batch of ticket examiners, who are authorised to collect fines from passengers on both local and long-distance trains.?
Mohammad joined as a ticket checker on the sports quota back in the year 2000. Until 2012, he was a prominent member of the Central Railway¡¯s hockey team and his favourite position was that of a midfielder. According to him, hockey skills are handy in netting errant passengers.
He said,?¡°No doubt, sports increases our stamina, which proves helpful in our job when it comes to reading the minds of ticketless travellers.¡±
He also described that his job was very scary during the pandemic.?It was a great opportunity to serve people but at the same time, it was very scary. As we were in direct contact with passengers, the risk was very high. I was more worried about my family and that they could be exposed to Covid. I used to follow all the precautions to keep myself and my family safe, but there was always a worry.¡±
He said that being a ticket checker is tough since every day there is a new kind of passenger. Some are aggressive, some pay the ticket and some are soft-spoken.?
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